Assembly-21st November

21st November.                    Assembly.                  Class VI

Theme:  Discovery of sea route to India. 

Thought: A great discovery is a fact whose appearance in science gives rise to shining ideas, whose light dispels many obscurities and shows us new paths.

Speech:  Discovery of Sea-route to India by western countries happens to be one of the most important events in modern times. The wealth of India was an attraction.The Europeans knew about the wealth since ancient time out of the trade link that India established with Greece and Rome. Indian traders used to carry Indian goods for sale in European markets through Afghanistan, Persia, Arab, Egypt and Turkey with hardship. Europeans to facilitate trade with India were putting efforts to discover Sea-route to India. Some businessmen used to carry Indian goods to European markets through Arabian Sea, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Persian gulf. All these trade routes were closed for the Europeans during medieval period. The Muslims of Arab countries monopolized the trade and prevented others for that trade profit. Gradually the relation of the western people with the Muslims became bitter. By the end of medieval period there took place a great change in the minds of the Europeans due to the Renaissance. People could come to know the theory that “Earth is round”.

The world famous geographer Cristopher Columbus on the basis of this idea ventured to discover the sea-route to India. For this he appealed the European Kings for help. At last he got the blessings of the king and the queen of Spain for help and started his journey in the Atlantic Ocean.

News: Mangalore autorickshaw blast: Suspect has terror links, says DGP

       Several Rounds Fired At Patna University After Student Body Election.

Mamta Banerjee Likely To Meet PM Modi In New Delhi On Dec 5

Words for the day:

  • Bleary.:  looking dull because of tiredness
  • Muttering : speaking unclearly, whisper, murmur
  • Facilitate : to make something possible or easier
  • Monopolize :- to control something so that other people cannot share it
  • Venture :- to do something or go somewhere new and dangerous, when you are not sure what will happen

Name of the students:

Prayer – Harshit Singh

Pledge – Roushan Kumar

Thought – Abhi Raj

News – Aadya

Speech – Akshat Raj

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